You’re Doing It WRONG–Pandemic Redux

I was reviewing some memories on social media this morning and I came across this post. It still rings really true for me three years later, and I wanted to revise and revive it a bit, and add a paragraph acknowledging our current state of being. Right now the last thing we need is toContinue reading “You’re Doing It WRONG–Pandemic Redux”

You’re Doing It WRONG!

I read another one today, a mommy blogger who mixes all the perfect things together like fashion modeling and Jesus, telling all the leggin’s-clad, stained XL t-shirt-wearing, run down moms exactly how much we are all failing. It totally worked. Now I am going to LOVE every minute of motherhood. Now, I am going toContinue reading “You’re Doing It WRONG!”

A beautiful dress

This was at the top of my soon to be 9-year-old daughter’s birthday list. “A buetaful dress” to be more precise. My rough and tumble tom boy. My sweet and sometimes spastic child who can’t always find herself in space. My awkward, lovely, frustrating, cherished girl. She wants a beautiful dress. It makes me misty-eyedContinue reading “A beautiful dress”

Don’t Kill Them, & 4 Other Essential Parenting Rules

My 5 Simple Rules for Parenting When my first child was born, I read the books and followed the developmental charts like they were blueprints for a nuclear power plant. I didn’t want anything to explode, and knew that if something went wrong it would be a) the most terrible-awful-horrible thing ever, and b) asContinue reading “Don’t Kill Them, & 4 Other Essential Parenting Rules”

An open heart in the face of grief

Pregnant women experience spotting all the time, and everything turns out fine. The voice of denial did it’s best to keep panic at bay. I struggled through prayers of bargaining, and anger at my body for the biggest betrayal I’d ever experienced. All the stages of grief cycled again and again, but I always cameContinue reading “An open heart in the face of grief”

Summer Chores & Activities!

Once again school is out, and we are rebooting our Pick Five chore system. Here is the skinny on the stroke of genius that has gotten us through 2 summers of my working full time from home with three kids (now 12, 9, not quite 4 years old) and keeping my sanity! These are theContinue reading “Summer Chores & Activities!”

‘Twas a Clutter-free Christmas

‘Twas the week before Christmas and throughout the house, All ’round clutter abounded without many doubts. There were papers on tables, receipts on the floor, It made me plum crazy, couldn’t take any more! The children had piled up their jackets and socks, Just to run off to play with their trains and their blocks.Continue reading “‘Twas a Clutter-free Christmas”

Vacation Report- Grand Canyon

   We spent one day at the Grand Canyon. I would highly recommend setting aside at least one whole day, if not 2 or 3. We started at the visitors center, picking up the kids’ Junior Ranger Booklets. Our group was made up of 8 adults and 9 kids under the age of 12. We knewContinue reading “Vacation Report- Grand Canyon”

Family Fun in the Recording Studio

What did you do on your summer vacation? We crammed 17 people in a recording studio and laid down some tracks! Thanks to Synthesaur who provided us with studio space. If you are in the Flagstaff area and need professional recording services, check them out! I hope you enjoy our family fun, and think ofContinue reading “Family Fun in the Recording Studio”

Vacation Report- Williams, AZ on Route 66

This is my second report for our 2015 southwest vacation. After visiting Mesa Verde, we drove on to Williams, AZ, the last town on Route 66 to have been bypassed by the Interstate. The downtown is full of shopping, cafes, and a great coffee shop. It was perfect for a morning of girl time windowContinue reading “Vacation Report- Williams, AZ on Route 66”