Confusion and Joy

My message for Easter Sunday Celebration at First Friends Church in Emporia, KS. John 20:1-21 Confusion and Joy These were the emotions that accompanied the experiences of Jesus’s closest friends and followers on the day of his resurrection. And why not? Any one of us would feel the same. For years they had followed him,Continue reading “Confusion and Joy”

Justice & Mercy Depend on a Humble Heart

A message given at Friends University Chapel, February 9th, 2017 I was born here in Kansas in a very small town south of Greensburg. If this were a joke, you might ask me, “How small was it?” To which I would reply that it was a town so small that I was born the NewContinue reading “Justice & Mercy Depend on a Humble Heart”

When Justice Rolls Down, Don’t Get Swept Away

An address given at the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Celebration January 16, 2017 Amos 5:24 “But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.” I don’t know about you, but when I look at the world I am often discouraged. It doesn’t take much, if our eyes are open, ifContinue reading “When Justice Rolls Down, Don’t Get Swept Away”

Christmas Pondering

Luke 2:19 But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart. When was the last time you did any pondering? With the way everything moves so quickly, it is hard to find time to ponder anymore. Social media makes it easy to be emotionally moved by love/anger/fear/sadness/empathy one moment and laughContinue reading “Christmas Pondering”

Fundamentals—How Now Shall I Live?

  We’ve been asking the question for millennia. How do I live my life? What is the guiding principle behind the decisions I make? We struggle, even those who have considered carefully how we should live. We don’t always know how to apply the moral and ethical ideals that drive us. We are not alwaysContinue reading “Fundamentals—How Now Shall I Live?”


We all have different thoughts, images, and impressions surrounding the Church. For some those are precious memories of a family supporting us in our difficulties and rejoicing in our victories. For others, and probably far too many, Church evokes a sense of dread, betrayal, and pain. Let’s face it, we have some really high highlights–disasterContinue reading “Fundamentals—Church”


When Christians talk about salvation, we often give the impression that it is a moment in time in which we flip a switch that means we will go to Heaven when we die. While I believe Heaven is important, salvation is bigger than what happens when we die. In the last Fundamentals post, we lookedContinue reading “Fundamentals—Salvation”