On Mother’s Day

There’s a lot I want to say about mothering, the journey it takes to get here, and all the pain I wouldn’t trade away because it would mean losing all the joy as well. Being a mother is something I took for granted. I thought I would have a house full of kids, “as manyContinue reading “On Mother’s Day”


Congratulations to the winners of my devotion giveaway this week! Faith Kelley and Berkley Friends Church, California Trish Edwards-Konic and Springfield Friends Church, Colorado Janet Burrows Biernacki and Plains Friends Church, Kansas Sharae Slater and Shiloh House in Emporia, Kansas These individuals and the ministries they nominated each received a printable PDF copy of TwelveContinue reading “Congratulations!”

Twelve Days of Christmas Devotions for the Christmas Season

It’s been a rough year. I go back and forth between being ready to celebrate, and ready to hibernate until spring has sprung and the vaccine has begun wide distribution. Celebrating may not come naturally, so I will have to choose to engage it intentionally.

You’re Doing It WRONG–Pandemic Redux

I was reviewing some memories on social media this morning and I came across this post. It still rings really true for me three years later, and I wanted to revise and revive it a bit, and add a paragraph acknowledging our current state of being. Right now the last thing we need is toContinue reading “You’re Doing It WRONG–Pandemic Redux”

Taking the Side of the Side I’m On

The Problem There’s an issue at the heart of many struggles in our society. The problem is uninspected power. Power is, in itself, a neutral. Troubles arise when power is not accompanied by accountability. That accountability has to come from others with power as well as those with no power. In essence, those with noContinue reading “Taking the Side of the Side I’m On”

Leaving the Ninety-nine

“For I desire steadfast love and not sacrifice,the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.”Hosea 6:6 Jesus quotes this verse twice in the Gospel of Matthew. He brings it out first when criticized for eating with “tax collectors and sinners,” and again when criticized for his disciples eating raw grain plucked in the field onContinue reading “Leaving the Ninety-nine”